What a crazy year we have had. I have been caught up in too many things to spend much time rebuilding this site. I was able to recover the old one and will be moving the old blog posts over as soon as I can. Hopefully, I will also be adding new ones.
It seems that it went from Spring to Fall overnight. All that is due to the non-stop events and activities that I am ready to have slow down.
I still try to spend my mornings drinking my coffee by the lake as I watch and listen to the birds. Fall birding is always interesting and during the migration season, you never know who you will see or when the old bird friends will arrive. Just like the photo above of the Brown-headed Nuthatches who arrived just today. I am not sure these are my winter residents but hopefully, they are for I have missed their honking and endless antics outside of my window.
There is still so much to do with the site. I really need to try to find some help with it. It would be wonderful to find some other nature lovers who might wish to take over a section. Finding someone interesting in plants, trees, insects, reptiles & amphibians, mushrooms, kayaking, camping, hiking, and any other nature-related subjects, would be a big help.
The help could come in a variety of ways and would not require any kind of website management experience or anything like that. I need bloggers, photographers, writers, etc. There are so many ways someone could contribute.
Know anyone? Send them to me. 🙂
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