

We have several types of blogs or journals. On this page, we have all three of them as an easy way to get into them. They will appear in other places on this website.

I have a few dozen older blogs from the old East Texas Naturalists site that I will slowly bring over to this one. These are not from the newer site but rather the one from a few years ago. They will also soon appear in print. . . maybe. 

Also, do you blog about birding in East Texas or would you like to do so? If so, contact me.

Michael’s Journal

Photography Blogs

Field Notes

A Typical Morning Photographing Birds

A Typical Morning Photographing Birds

I began September on this day in my somewhat normal routine of going out to my gravity chair that sits about 10 meters, 30 feet, from the water’s edge. This is where I typically spend the first part of the day if I don’t have early morning obligations. Normally that...

What Kind of Birdseed Should I Use to Attract More Birds

What Kind of Birdseed Should I Use to Attract More Birds

One of the questions I am often asked is "What kind of birdseed should I use to attract birds?" I have feeders out year-round and never take them down. There are some types of seeds and food I always have out. I add other types depending upon the season to attract the...

Big Changes on the Website

Big Changes on the Website

Did you ever come home and find that everyone had moved? Well, luckily, neither have I but visitors to the East Texas Naturalists website may get that feeling. After working on that site for a few years, I have decided to change the focus a bit (as my own focus has...

Growing Up in the Woods of East Texas

Growing Up in the Woods of East Texas

Let me start this with what sounds like another version of "when I was your age, I walked four miles to school and it was uphill both ways" story.  I was actually born at St Paul hospital in Dallas, but then it was back to the farm in Newsome, Texas (Camp county...

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