WhitetailDragonflyFemale072920 1

This ID Guide to the East Texas Dragonflies & Damsels is a work in progress.  It is meant to primarily be a very basic photo ID list with little other information on the more commonly seen species. This is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all species ever seen in East Texas but rather the ones that are more commonly seen.  However, through time, we will be adding more and more species. There will be only one photo at first. Later, I plan on adding a gallery for each species with numerous photos. There will be a link to the gallery by the name of the species.

Click on the photos to see a larger version.

NOTE: Unless indicated otherwise, the photos were taken by members of this site.  We will get photos of the other species as soon as we can. It is an ongoing project. If you have pictures of any of the species which do not currently have pictures and would like to contribute to this list, please contact us.  We will consider other submissions and give you photo credit.

NOTICE: I realize the progress is slow but I am rather busy with projects and life. IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO JUMP UP AND HELP WITH ANY PROJECT ON THIS SITE – CONTACT ME. 🙂 

WidowSkimmerDragonflyMale061821 1

Widow Skimmer


SlatySkimmerMale072021 1

Slaty Skimmer


BlackSaddlebagsMaleDragonfly061321 1

Black Saddlebags

PrinceBaskettailDragonfly052418 1

Prince Baskettail


Pondhawk090718 2 of 1



HalloweenPennant080518 1

Halloween Pennant


EasternAmberwingDragonflyMale071417 2

Eastern Amberwing


BlueDarterDragonflyMale061620 5

Blue Darter


RambursForktailDamselfly 062116 1 of 1

Ramsburst Forktail Damselfly


EbonyJewelDamselFly041517 1

Ebony Jewel Damselfly